560R MegaWide™ HC² Premium Round Baler


2022 560R MegaWide™ HC² Premium Round Baler

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MegaWide™ high capacity and cutting (HC²) feeding system

The 0 Series Round Baler family welcomes the first, John Deere, North-American built precutter.

This feed system in front of these machines is the MegaWide HC2. The MegaWide Plus name is known as the industry-leading feed system since its introduction with the 7 Series Balers.

John Deere continues that legacy with the 0 Series. Proven designs of the MegaWide were maintained and improvements were made to key components to gain significant capacity.

Primary rotor relationship to knives – front position

Primary rotor from bale chamber

The primary rotor is only available on the MegaWide™ HC²  and is located directly behind the MegaWide™ pickups.

This rotor grabs the crop and drags it over the knives to size the crop to a theoretical length size of 2.5 inches.

  • For the 4 ft machines, there are 14 slots to receive the knives that are located on the floor of the feed system.
  • The 5 ft machines have 20 knives and 20 slots.

Fast-pitch augers on the primary rotor

Industry-exclusive, fast-pitch augers have been placed on the primary rotor to move dry hay and silage past the transition points to avoid plugging.

MegaWide HC2 secondary rotor from bale chamber

The secondary rotor is another component on the feed system that was re-designed from the MegaWide Plus feed system to handle the increased demands of the high-capacity system.

  • The secondary rotor in the MegaWide HC² is similar in location and design as the MegaWide Plus spiral rotor.
  • The hex shaft on secondary rotor rotor on the MegaWide HC² was increased from 3.2 cm (1.25 in.) from the MegaWide Plus to 3.8 cm (1.5 in.)
  • The diameter of the tube was increased for additional strength and to prevent silage wrapping
  • The number of tines was increased from two to three for additional capacity and flow of crop into the starter roll and chamber.

Drop Floor

Drop Floor

Drop floor – if the baler exceeds capacity and plugs, the MegaWide™ HC² can lower the knife floor from the cab of the tractor to easily feed the plug into the chamber.

  • Drop floor is an insurance policy to allow the operator to push the machine knowing that a plug can clear in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes.
  • In factory-observed testing with the 2016 test fleet, 99 percent of the plugs were cleared from the cab.
  • Floor is self-cleaning – when lowered to feed a plug, it allows chaff that has been built up around the knives to fall through into the windrow.
  • This release of crop allows the feed system to stay cleaner
  • Allows for easier engagement of the knives and servicing of the knives
  • The floor is also responsible for engaging the knives
  • Based on lack of success for re-engaging knives in competitive machines, John Deere made sure the MegaWide™ HC2 was built to meet the demands a Deere producer expects.
  • Knife-engagement forces on the MegaWide™ HC2 are 10 times that of the New Holland™ Roll-Belt™ 460 CropCutter® Baler. It gives the producer the confidence that if the knives are engaged, they are all up and cutting.
  • Once the knives are up, each knife has individual spring protection, limiting bent or broken knives.
  • Hit a rock and the knife moves out of the way and automatically re-engages.

Third drive roll

A third drive roll is another feature that will only be offered with the MegaWide HC2 feed system.

  • Precutting crop releases additional moisture into the feed system of the baler so the MegaWide™ HC2 feed system added a third drive roll on the number 11 roller to ensure trouble-free bale formation even in the most difficult, high-moisture silage conditions.
  • This feature is available only on the MegaWide™ HC2 feed system

automatic electric-tie option

The automatic electric-tie option using BaleTrak™ Pro monitor allows for more productivity. The monitor sounds an alarm for near-full, full, and oversized bales.

Monitor beeps once to notify the operator to even-up the bale prior to reaching the desired size.

Monitor beeps twice when the bale reaches the desired size. (If the operator continues to feed hay into the baler, the monitor will sound continuously to warn of an oversized bale.

Bale shape bars are not available on the 440E or 450E Round Balers. The 440E and 450E Round Balers allow for adjustment of twine settings from the cab by using the BaleTrak™ Pro Monitor.

 BELT features

Exclusive DiamondTough™ belts with plate-type splices


Vertical Forming Chambers maintain uniform bale density.


Dense Core

As the hay enters the forming chamber from the pickup, belts immediately turn the hay to form a tight, dense core.



Incoming hay then feeds between the bale and the lower gate roll. Hay is tightly compressed into smooth, dense layers as it enters the bale.


Reduced Chaffing

Chaffing is greatly reduced to prevent loss and retain hay quality in the bale.


Continuous Pressure

The idler arm rises with bale growth, forcing oil from the hydraulic cylinder through a pressure-relief valve to maintain uniform bale density throughout the bale-forming process.


Model transitions for New 0 Series Balers


Applicable models for E, M, and R Baler Options

Previous 9 Series Models New 0 Series Models
449 440E
459E 450E
459 450M
459 Silage Special 450M
469 460M
469 Silage Special 460M
469 Premium 460R
559 550M
559 Silage Special 550M
569 560M
569 Silage Special 560M
569 Premium 560R
Baler Option Applicable Models
E (Economy) Dry hay only 440E and 450E
M (Standard) Dry Hay, Silage, Pre-Cutter 450M, 460M, 550M*, and 560M
R (Premium) Dry Hay, Pre-Cutter 460R and 560R



Belts & Other (Width) 7 inches
Density Control Hydraulic
Bale Size Indication Electronic display on monitor
Number of Bars Regular Pickup 4
Number of Teeth Regular Pickup 96
MegaWide Plus Pickup 120 Regular & 8 Mega
High Capacity Pickup 120 Middle & 8 Mega
Tooth Spacing Regular Pickup 2.6 inches
Size Diameter 32 - 72 inches
Width 62 inches (5 x 6 ft)
Weight Full-size bale in dry crop 2,200 lb
Max. Allowable for Silage Bale 2,500 lb
Belts & Other (Width) 8 Belts, 7" Width
Density Control Hydraulic
Bale Size Indication Electronic Display on Monitor
Bars Regular Pickup 4
Number of Teeth Regular Pickup 96
MegaWide Plus Pickup 120 Regular & 8 Mega Teeth
High Capacity Pickup 120 Middle & 8 Mega Teeth
Tooth Spacing Regular Pickup 6 cm / 2.6 inches
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